May 18, 2012

Graphviz - dot source for my graph

For those who wandered what is the input file for my graph... The input files for graphviz are called "dot" files. Here is the input "dot" file for my graph from the last post:

Graghviz in action
Graghviz in action

digraph g {
graph [size="5" overlap=false rankdir="LR"];
node [fontname="sans-serif" fontsize=10 color=gray80 penwidth=1 shape=Mrecord style=filled fillcolor=aliceblue];
edge [fontname="sans-serif" fontsize=10 color=chocolate];
ratio = auto;
state0 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Nova" label ="Stav 0|Nova|{ call | nova}" ];
state2 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zaregistrovana" label ="Stav 2|Zaregistrovana|{ call | zaregistrovana}" ];
state3 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena" label ="Stav 3|Schvalena|{ call | schvalena}" ];
state4 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zamietnuta (email)" label ="Stav 4|Zamietnuta (email)|{ call | zamietnuta_e}" ];
state5 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zamietnuta" label ="Stav 5|Zamietnuta" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state6 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zrusena (email)" label ="Stav 6|Zrusena (email)|{ call | zrusena_e}" ];
state7 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zrusena" label ="Stav 7|Zrusena" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state8 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rezervacia" label ="Stav 8|Rezervacia|{ call | rezervacia}" ];
state9 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena (prevod)" label ="Stav 9|Schvalena (prevod)|{ call | schv_prevod}" ];
state10 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena (e-card)" label ="Stav 10|Schvalena (e-card)|{ call | schv_card}" ];
state11 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena (vub-pay)" label ="Stav 11|Schvalena (vub-pay)|{ call | schv_pay}" ];
state12 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena (dobierka)" label ="Stav 12|Schvalena (dobierka)|{ call | schv_dob}" ];
state13 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Schvalena (email)" label ="Stav 13|Schvalena (email)|{ call | schv_email}" ];
state14 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Vyexpedovana" label ="Stav 14|Vyexpedovana|{ call | vyexpedovana}" ];
state15 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zrusena zak(email)" label ="Stav 15|Rzv zrusena zak(email)|{ call | r_zrusena_zak_email}" ];
state16 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zrusena CFH(email)" label ="Stav 16|Rzv zrusena CFH(email)|{ call | r_zrusena_cfh_email}" ];
state17 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Dodana" label ="Stav 17|Dodana" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state18 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zrusena zakaznikom" label ="Stav 18|Rzv zrusena zakaznikom" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state19 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zrusena CFH" label ="Stav 19|Rzv zrusena CFH" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state20 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Cakanie na platbu" label ="Stav 20|Cakanie na platbu" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state21 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Klient na blackliste" label ="Stav 21|Klient na blackliste|{ call | zrusena_bl}" ];
state22 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv schvalena (email)" label ="Stav 22|Rzv schvalena (email)|{ call | rzv_scv_e}" ];
state23 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv schvalena" label ="Stav 23|Rzv schvalena|{ call | rzv_schvalena}" ];
state24 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zamietnuta (email)" label ="Stav 24|Rzv zamietnuta (email)|{ call | rzv_zamietnuta}" ];
state25 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Rzv zamietnuta" label ="Stav 25|Rzv zamietnuta" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state41 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Zrusena (rucny zasah)" label ="Stav 41|Zrusena (rucny zasah)" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state42 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Duplicitna (rucny zasah)" label ="Stav 42|Duplicitna (rucny zasah)" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state43 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Test (rucny zasah)" label ="Stav 43|Test (rucny zasah)" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state97 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Produkt v sade" label ="Stav 97|Produkt v sade" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state98 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Deaktivovana rucnym zasahom" label ="Stav 98|Deaktivovana rucnym zasahom" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state99 [ href="javascript:alert('asdf')" tooltip="Chybne data" label ="Stav 99|Chybne data" fillcolor=darkseagreen ];
state0 -> state2 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state2 -> state8 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="L" ];
state2 -> state6 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="Y" ];
state2 -> state4 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="X" ];
state2 -> state3 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="a" ];
state2 -> state2 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="O" ];
state2 -> state2 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="E" ];
state2 -> state3 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="A" ];
state2 -> state4 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="W" ];
state3 -> state12 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="1" ];
state3 -> state11 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="4" ];
state3 -> state10 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="5" ];
state3 -> state9 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="2" ];
state4 -> state5 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state6 -> state7 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state8 -> state15 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="M" ];
state8 -> state16 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="N" ];
state8 -> state22 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="Ľ" ];
state8 -> state8 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="L" ];
state8 -> state24 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="m" ];
state9 -> state13 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state10 -> state20 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state11 -> state20 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state12 -> state13 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state13 -> state14 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="0" ];
state14 -> state17 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="1" ];
state15 -> state18 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state16 -> state19 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state21 -> state4 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state22 -> state23 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];
state23 -> state15 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="M" ];
state23 -> state16 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="N" ];
state23 -> state13 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="a" ];
state24 -> state25 [ penwidth=1 fontsize=10 fontcolor ="grey28" label="True" ];

This file was created by a short python script which pulled data from the database and interpreted it for dot syntax. After dot file was created it was fed to the graphviz, which produced the image from the top of this post.

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