Feb 12, 2013

Deploying Python applications

I have to interrupt the ongoing series on Mercurial, Fabric, Liquibase and Kohana. There is stuff which I had to take care of immediately. However the problems I am solving right now are the ones I was writing recently anyway.

The PDF generator I wrote some time ago (based on Reportlab and RML) needed to evolve from a cron application to a full blown Celery application. This also means totally different approach to deployment. While I was pretty happy with my Fabric approach for a cron job version of PDF generator, the Celery worker is a different story. There are two articles I found incredible useful on the topic:
 I am currently in a process of testing and learning, so there won't be anything useful written by me in a short time. But for sure I will get back with my approach to the problem as deployment seems to be common denominator of my work recently.

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